Awesome: Nokia Wireless Charging tables and Free WiFi @HelsinkiAirport :)
Sorry I haven’t been able to update on the go, but as the title suggests I’m at Helsinki Airport as I’m now on the journey back to UK after a fantastic and surreal re-visit of Finland. Kudos Nokia and Nokia Connects :). More on that on Monday.

Pretty speedy considering. I wish I had this speed at the hotel :p Not that there was much time spent there.
I was going to just tweet this picture but I thought it was nice to share on the blog that whilst waiting around,  I’ve got free WiFi, a power outlet for my wired charging mac  and areas for my wirelessly charging Nokia Lumia 920 😀
Also, on the instructions about wireless charging, you can get that wireless charging accessory for attachment on Micro-USB slots in case yours doesn’t charge wirelessly by default.
As I’m writing this a cute little Korean family walked up to the table intrigued about the wirelessly charging Lumia. The kids are well annoyed that their Galaxy Note (what’s a 6 year old doing with a note? – actually the older kid, about 8, also has a Note :/) won’t charge wirelessly.
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