

Seattle Times on the Nokia Lumia 1020, “you’ve got the hottest machine on the block.”

| July 30, 2013 | 16 Replies

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The Seattle Times said that lately, it’s been hard to get excited about new phones but this changed when the Nokia Lumia 1020 was announced. Oh music to my ears! THIS! This is what should set the Nokia Lumia 1020 apart from previous Lumia offerings and perhaps the rest of the competition. It’s exciting and genuinely offers something new, different and wonderful.

Unlike the 808 which was immediately shunned by having Symbian, WP gets a lot more welcome. Sure they know about there being less apps (perhaps not aware of the third party alternatives but still, that’s relatively ok). Not simply welcome, it gets some praise, “The 1020 runs Windows Phone 8 software, which I think is the best looking and easiest to navigate phone-operating system”.

So for those that doubted on launch that the Nokia Lumia 1020 would deliver what it promised on paper, to those that revelled in the prospect that once in reviewers hands they would hate it; this feels so good that everyone unanimously propels to great heights, not just the Nokia Lumia 1020’s camera efforts but the complete package as a smartphone.

Cheers JK for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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