

Nokia Lumia 1020 – the NEW iPhone?

| August 2, 2013 | 34 Replies


An interesting article over at at TGdaily compares the Nokia Lumia 1020 as being like the new iPhone. It was magical and the exclusivity and rarity added to that special feeling the initial bunch of users got.

The camera in the 1020 compared to the competition is unique and amazes people when they see how well it performs. Whilst some try to put down the importance of a camera now Lumia has the a killer one, clearly manufacturers know consumers care. HTC and ultrapixels, now Motorola and their pixelbinning (where have we heard that?) clearpixel.

Right now only those who can really afford to can pay that initial $300 on contract, plus it is still exclusive to AT&T.

Could that work in Nokia’s favour? I mean, remember when readers and such reported that sales people were recommending the 8X as having superior features because it cost more than the 920?

That exclusivity does help in terms of push from the carrier I guess. Again whilst the 8x was on all carriers, didn’t the 920 sell more (relatively in NAM). There’s an article I quickly glanced over at WPCentral that shows AT&T taking 1020 promotion quite seriously.

Or does the 1020 need to be cheaper and available at all networks?

Source: TGDaily

Via @Nokia/DougatNokia


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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