

AnandTech: Nokia Lumia 521: Quality Smartphone on an Extreme Budget

| August 8, 2013 | 3 Replies

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Whilst the likes of the 1020 amaze the media and the crowd, let’s not forget the stars of the show are these quality affordable smartphones.

In this long and indepth review by Vivek Gowri for AnandTech, we see precisely why the likes of the Lumia 52x is so popular and a big hit in countries like India.

This is about providing a credible modern smartphone experience at the lowest of budgets, and in that sense, the Lumia 521 more than delivers, with a modern microarchitecture, generally decent specs, and a very solid no-frills design. Nokia is one of the world’s most respected handset manufacturers, a truly elite hardware design center. The Lumia 521 is one of their most compelling handsets in recent memory, and it’s difficult to give it more praise than that.

Just as with the 620, the 520 offers so much in a very affordable package. WP helps keep the user experience fluid without needing high end specs, and Nokia delivers on the hardware and design.

There’s more on the way with the 625, the largest screen (4.7″) so far of the announced Nokia smartphones yet still in the 6xx entry level category.

Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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