

PureViewClub: Initial Nokia Lumia 1020 vs Nokia 808 PureView comparisons

| August 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

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A couple of posts from PureViewClub where there are some comparisons between the Nokia Lumia 1020 against the Nokia 808 PureView.

In the first shot the 808 is apparently set to ‘vivid’


Marc wants a bit more time with the Nokia Lumia 1020 to really take advantage of it, as he has learnt with his 808. But overall, he’s very pleased.

I feel quite sure you don’t need me to come to your own conclusions, but to me in this case, most interesting fact is that you’ll be able to zoom in quite a bit closer with the Lumia 1020 than with the Nokia 808 PureView.

Also, I’m really impressed with the amount of detail the crop of the Lumia’s full resolution shot offers. I’m not saying which one “is better” however – I’ve written before I need much more time to get to know all the possibilities of the new Lumia 1020 (like if I know all of the 808 PureView…).

In these pretty basic shots, the results from the Lumia 1020 are very satisfying to me – it appears to perform better in detail in this case, but maybe less realistic in color. Please remember however, that the shots were not made at the exact same time, and there is a humble photographer behind each shot.



Category: Nokia, PureView

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