

Nokia top of Finland, outsells Apple and Samsung; Nokia outsells iPhone in Italy

| August 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

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A couple of somewhat related news.

First up, Nokia outselling iPhone in Italy.  This information comes from IDC, which indicates that Nokia is the second highest in terms of smartphone market share, displacing iPhone in Q2 2013.

Over in Finland, Nokia’s home, if you remember back in Q1 2013 Nokia had lost the crown as top phone manufacturer to Samsung. The rise of both Android and iOS had already been going on for many years prior to a switch to Windows Phone (as did the nose dive of Symbian), but it’s still never a pleasant sight to see in your backyard.

Now in Q2 2013 as Nokia holds on to their long term strategy, they pull back into first place.

Slowly but surely, Nokia and Windows Phone makes gains against iPhone. Apple sees this threat and have already readied their Lumia 620 looking  budget iPhone 5Cs (at least that’s what comments have compared it to). The bigger problem is of course, Android. But one battle at a time, eh?

Cheers Allex and Tayyab for the tip

Sources: 1, 2


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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