

Samsung follows Nokia’s imaging success and focuses on low light imaging

| September 24, 2013 | 0 Comments



Some people deny the importance of imaging since Nokia’s the best at it, they try to play it down. Clearly however, Nokia’s competition are trying to figure out how they can get near Nokia. Some try fancy technology names, others try special distortion to make you think Nokia hasn’t already done those things before. Either way, there’s some sort of push in the whole industry to innovate in the imaging arena, as led by the best innovator in imaging, Nokia.

Low light photography has always been something that pushed Nokia handsets above others. Remember that post when we got all nostalgic and saw TheGadgetShow when the N95 was new? Look at how it bested the iPhone at low light there. More so with the introduction of the Xenon flash beast, the N82. To the cupboard went my digital camera, solidified by the N8 and definitely the 808 if I had my own.

The Nokia Lumia 920 showed the world low light photography without flash, as well as assisting in blur removal due to hand shaking. Comparisons between the competition was night and day. You get a photo that’s either black (often the case with Samsung Galaxy SIII/IV) but clearly visible on the 920. It seemed like witchcraft. Where was all this light coming from? This inspired the likes of HTC not to battle Nokia in the MP race (808 demolished it there). Whilst insulting 808 PureView, HTC really could not match the 920 (even in some instances, the large aperture 720). Apple also tried some ‘pixel binning’ in the 4S apparently, which activates in low light. That didn’t really help against the 920 though.

The latest to focus on low light is Samsung, which they claim will improve light sensitivity over BSI.

It’s not just the type of sensor of course but also the size, as well as the quality of the other optics involved and Nokia’s got quite the know how in mobile imaging (oddly enough to displace those who actually do produce dedicated cameras as well as phones, eh?).

Hopefully by the time this is available, Nokia has produced something even better, yet still aware of the footprint of their general devices (except the next imaging flagship).

Cheers Alvester for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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