

Digitimes’ MWC 2014 expectations from Nokia: WP8.1 devices, Nokia Lumia 1820, 1525 and 1520v?

| January 28, 2014 | 15 Replies

Digitimes is expecting some WP8.1 devices from Nokia, by the name of Nokia Lumia 1820, 1525 and 1520V.

Should the 1820 exist, then the naming of these Nokia devices feel utterly stupid. qHD? qHD? Erm, what?

“1820 is likely to come with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 processor, 5.2-inch qHD display and 3400mAh battery”

Yes, I understand it’s more powerful than the 1520, but any particular reason to go to 1820? The ‘1320’ is ‘just’ dualcore with entry level specs but is ‘up there’ in the nomenclature due to screen size.

Something called the 1525 supposedly has a 6″ display.

Based on what @evleaks has spilled before, Moneypenny should be expected as well as gesture based goldfinger, both tipped as the first WP8.1 devices.

Source: Digitimes

Via: Pocketnow Via: Reddit




Category: Lumia, Nokia

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