

Nokia puts 41MP and touch screen on Nokia 3310

| April 1, 2014 | 23 Replies

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It’s the handset we’ve all been waiting for! 3310 reborn. And here it is with a touch screen and 41 megapixels.


  • 2GB RAM, Dual Core 1.5GHz
  • 32GB on board memory, still in the original dimensions and weight
  • MicroSD
  • Snake II, Pairs II, Space Impact and Bantumi
  • 3″ Clear Diamond display
  • 1280 x 768
  • 1/1.5 inch 41MP with Carl Zeiss
  • Obs indestructible.

When I had my 3310, I often had dreams of it having a camera. Now it’s real!

3310-pureview-in-line1Cheers Saif for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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