

MyDreamNokia: Lumia 1820 – Microsoft Mobile Concept

| May 31, 2014 | 8 Replies

Edgar Mkrtchyan shares this concept of the Nokia Lumia 1820. Sadly, going with the times this one omits the Nokia logo despite the name. It’s less Lumia, more Surface phone in design.

Here’s a little concept after the acquisition of Nokia by Microsoft,
I joined the bar on the side as in windows 8. As you can see from the photos, the back and search buttons are removed. For return must slide your finger from the left edge to the right (as in Windows 8). Research must place the bar on the right side. There is also a Music app redesigned by a reader on the internet. We do not see the logo of Nokia, it’s sad but I think it will be so for the next smartphones. Lumia 1820 will be available in two versions 64 and 128 GB and 2 colors for each version.
Attached you will find photos (Lumia 1820)
good day




Category: Concept, Lumia, Nokia

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