

Rajeev Suri: Leaner New Nokia Fittest in 5 years. We will move fast, learn and move forward to new products

| August 29, 2014 | 20 Comments



In an interview with Nokia CEO, Rajeev Suri, tells Economic Times India that it’s the strongest financial position Nokia’s had in 5 years with an 11.4% operating margin. Moreover, he notes that if the devices were included, that would bring Nokia down to 0%. Suri says no one would want to work for a 0% margin company.

He talks about not holding onto the past in terms of moving forward. But then goes on to say, well, for cultural spirit to hold that tightly as Nokia had (had?) some of the best spirit ever.

Nokia’s future remains in telecom networks (Nokia Networks), HERE mapping navigation and advanced technologies/patents. As of yet, there’s no direct contact with the consumer anymore but Suri says maybe they will in terms of the B-to-C business and reminds us of Nokia Z launcher. Here is where New Nokia will move fast, fail and learn and move forward to new products.

Quite a humble statement to accept that there’ll be failures immediately along the way. A bit of a change to what some might mention was an “arrogant” side to the once mega Nokia (e.g. How Symbian products could sell, even if they were bad, because of the Nokia brand or even difficulty in switching support to maemo because Symbian was a “religion”)

Source: ET

via @nokianetworks


Category: Nokia

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