

Video: Lumia Denim Demo – training always listening “hey Cortana”

| January 2, 2015 | 7 Comments

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This video gives a longer overview of Lumia denim changes, as demoed on the Nokia Lumia 930 below.

Here’s the first time I’ve seen the training portion of the always listening Cortana. Just say “Hey Cortana” 5 times during the recording portion and it will then always be listening and will activate under a lock screen.

Izzi mentions that OK google doesn’t do this – it can on my Note 4, just so badly that you want to throw it against the wall because IT NEVER LISTENS!! NEVER! Perhaps it works on the Moto X better.

Camera start up looks super fast as usual. No ‘resuming’ to be seen.

Rich capture is also demoed – one of the better demoes as you can really see adding flash in the background and choosing the exact level. No need to decide about the flash.

Finally, something called Lumia Moments.


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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