

Lumia Flagship coming when Windows 10 is available

| March 3, 2015 | 8 Replies

Windows-Phone_20130727_19_21_51_Pro-1024x576[1]It has been a long time since we’ve seen a Lumia flagship. The 1520 to me is THE reigning flagship but that was from October 2013. 2013! We almost saw something amazing with the cancelled Nokia McLaren but alas that was no more.

According to TheVerge, Microsoft are of course working on a Lumia Flagship but it won’t be coming until Windows 10 is available:

We’re focusing our flagship development for slightly later when Windows 10 is available.

It fits with previous rumours that we won’t see a flagship until later on in the year.

Source: TheVerge

Cheers All for the tip!


Category: Lumia

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