

Is your phone too big to fly with? Nokia Lumia 1520 owners and Co..

| March 22, 2017 | 18 Comments

You may have read about the introduction of a device flight ban. At the moment it’s from only certain airlines flying from certain countries.

The UK has set some specific rules on device sizes. Any remaining Nokia Lumia 1520 users going from certain countries in certain airlines will be required to out their 1520 in the main baggage hold and out of cabin access.

Six UK carriers:

Eight overseas carriers:

According to news today, such practice would only work with widespread consistencies between countries and airlines. So this might just be a trial for a broader flight tech ban.


What about portable chargers? Not that you’d need them as much as you’d be using less tech  but you can’t put them in your main luggage. Though laptops are still OK :/

It’s even more important now to have bezel free, long life phones.

Source: BBC


Category: Nokia

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