

China getting Nokia Lumia on March 28! (800, 800C, 710, 719, and other random Nokias)

| March 13, 2012 | 22 Replies

Nokia’s Lumia will be entering another very important market soon – the biggest of the mobile markets, China.

Expected handsets include the Nokia 719C, 710, 800 and 800C. C standing for CDMA and heading for China Telecom whilst the GSM versions appear at China Mobile – the World’s Largest Network with 655M mobile subscribers alone!

There’s also the Nokia 2030, 2020, and 3050. I’m not exactly sure what they are, searches don’t come up with a proper result.

Source: CNMO  via Unwiredview via  WMPU

Cheers mrprince for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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