

Nokia Refocus vs Duo Camera – Nokia Lumia 925 vs HTC One M8

| March 29, 2014 | 7 Replies

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Since Nokia has been showing off Nokia Refocus on its Lumia series, we’ve seen others attempt to do the same. HTC has gone the route that Nokia would eventually come to when their 16 piece camera system is ready, but with their Duo camera system.

In the video below, Michael Fischer shows that despite the surface similarities, these two are quite different and have their own pros and cons.

  • Photos taken in standard mode without flash will have depth info on the HTC
  • Must go to Nokia Refocus for that.
  • Can’t go really close on the HTC
  • Can go much closer on the Nokia
  • Nokia’s bokeh is from the camera, there’s “faux bokeh” effects that can be applied on the HTC (though it has error, like ones you’d see in Nokia Creative Studio)
  • All in focus mode for Nokia
  • More editing features available on HTC
  • Both made for different purposes
  • Michael finds Nokia’s simple, elementary approach better.

What’s cool about the Nokia refocus app is that it isn’t specific to hardware. You can also share these refocused images.



Category: Lumia, Nokia

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