
Category: Applications

Video: Flash demoed on the Nokia N9 (BBC iPlayer)

Video: Flash demoed on the Nokia N9 (BBC iPlayer)

| March 6, 2012 | 19 Replies

Advertisements   We said we were in the middle of uploading a video demoing FireFox on the Nokia N9. Here it is.

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N9Apps: Flash on the Nokia N9! Demo with BBC iPlayer! (Video uploading atm)

N9Apps: Flash on the Nokia N9! Demo with BBC iPlayer! (Video uploading atm)

| March 6, 2012 | 48 Replies

Yes! Finally! When FireFox arrived we were told Flash would come soon after and yes sir, it is here. Look above and I have BBC iPlayer on my N9. Note, I have only just installed it so I can’t give a full verdict on performance. However, youtube works fine. Video/audio in sync. However you […]

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Lumiappaday #112: Splinter Cell (Conviction) demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800 #XBoxLive

Lumiappaday #112: Splinter Cell (Conviction) demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800 #XBoxLive

| March 6, 2012 | 6 Replies

Today’s Lumiappaday is Splinter Cell, an Xbox Live title by Gameloft available for the Nokia Lumia 800. I’d suggest downloading the trial and giving it a go first to see if you like it. Note that the game is quite large so you will need WiFi to download it. Apologies in advance for the shoddy […]

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MWC Review, Plus Loads of Random Images & Videos. (Featuring Me Getting Attacked by a Broom)

MWC Review, Plus Loads of Random Images & Videos. (Featuring Me Getting Attacked by a Broom)

| March 5, 2012 | 16 Replies

Ok, well MWC is over (has been for 5 days); and thus I’ve been sitting on my lazy-ass for 5 days ‘re-cooperating’ from my trip (A one hour difference in time zones really jet-lags you 😛 ). Anyways just to recap about all the amazing thing we’ve seen at MWC this year (and yes I […]

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Lumiappaday #111: Metro demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800

Lumiappaday #111: Metro demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800

| March 5, 2012 | 4 Replies

Hi folks, here’s the Metro app demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800. This Metro app has nothing to do with Windows Phone though it does utilise the panoramic UI quite well. Metro is a UK newspaper that is available for free on public transport. This is their official app (That they often demo with the […]

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Video: Video calling on two Nokia N9s with Gtalk

Video: Video calling on two Nokia N9s with Gtalk

| March 5, 2012 | 21 Replies

With PR1.2, the Nokia N9 was supposed to have video call ability. Skype video however still wasn’t working. But Gtalk does. Here’s a sample call between two Nokia N9s, recording with a Nokia N900 🙂 by toycie1993 (BTW, Skype video works fine on my Lumia. You just don’t have a front cam :p It has its […]

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Video: Impressive update for Ask Ziggy (iPhone Siri for WP)

Video: Impressive update for Ask Ziggy (iPhone Siri for WP)

| March 5, 2012 | 9 Replies

I rarely if ever do Windows Phone app news, reserving app talk to lumiappaday (as there is  too much in the way of app news on WP). On Friday though, I did notice a really interesting video that shows quite a significant and important improvement over one of the apps we demoed – lumiappaday #51. […]

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Lumiappaday #110: Incognito Browser demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800

Lumiappaday #110: Incognito Browser demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800

| March 4, 2012 | 8 Replies

Incognito Browser as you can guess from the name might have something to do with the likes of Chrome/FireFox’s incognito mode.  Yes, the main purpose of Incognito Browser is that it does not store cookies or browsing history – your usage of that browser is totally concealed. What ever use you might have for that, that […]

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Lumiappaday #109: Crazy Survival demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800

Lumiappaday #109: Crazy Survival demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800

| March 3, 2012 | 3 Replies

Crazy Survival is apparently a top free game at BlackBerry app world so I thought I’d give it a go see how it translates to a Nokia Lumia. It’s pretty neat. The game play is ever so simple just moving left and right to avoid the bouncing balls. You can get hit up to 10 […]

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