
Category: Applications

Video: Blink demo  – Burst Lens for Nokia Lumia WP8

Video: Blink demo – Burst Lens for Nokia Lumia WP8

| February 4, 2013 | 5 Replies

Advertisements When I watched this on Reddit, I didn’t realise it was actually from MS themselves. The presentation seemed too down to earth. Anyway, here’s a demo of the burst mode lens in action, taking pictures before and after your shot. With BLINK for Windows Phone 8, you’ll never miss the best shot. BLINK captures […]

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Nokia Pulse Discontinued For Symbian and N9; Desktop Client to be Discontinued as Well

Nokia Pulse Discontinued For Symbian and N9; Desktop Client to be Discontinued as Well

| February 1, 2013 | 156 Replies

Nokia Pulse is my all time favorite beta app that ever came through the Beta apps site. Unfortunately support for Symbian as well as Meego has been discontinued; meaning there will be no future updates or compatibility fixes. Users who have already downloaded the app will continue to use it, but the new layout (which uses single […]

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Soundtracker For Asha and S60 Updated at Beta Labs

Soundtracker For Asha and S60 Updated at Beta Labs

| February 1, 2013 | Reply

Soundtracker which brings over 13 million tracks for users over the radio was just updated for Asha and S60 devices. The changelog includes: Updated January 29, 2013 (1.7.8 for S60 5th Edition devices, 2.5.1 for S40 devices) Privacy Policy and Terms of Service added to Sign up/Sign in page Publish activities on News Feed Incoming […]

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Lumiappaday #300: TVCatchup demoed on Nokia Lumia 920 (available in store!) recorded on Nokia Lumia 820

Lumiappaday #300: TVCatchup demoed on Nokia Lumia 920 (available in store!) recorded on Nokia Lumia 820

| January 31, 2013 | 1 Reply

  As soon as I saw Chris’ tip, I jumped at the chance to download TVCatchup that we read about a few days ago. The demo was not planned so I’m pretty much discovering the app as I’m recording it. You can watch high quality FreeView live streams over WiFi or watch normal quality through 3G. […]

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Alternate Uses for Kids Corner on Windows Phone 8

Alternate Uses for Kids Corner on Windows Phone 8

| January 29, 2013 | 8 Replies

Kids Corner is a great addition in Windows Phone 8, for those of us who might have kids at least; or maybe not? Nokia conversations posted an interesting article about alternate uses for Kids Corner which are actually very useful. As a recap of what Kids Corner actually does; it basically allows you quick access […]

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Video: City Lens demoed with new Sightline and Freeze mode

Video: City Lens demoed with new Sightline and Freeze mode

| January 29, 2013 | 14 Replies

    City Lens just gets better and better, and in this demo you can see the sightline and freeze features. Sightline shows only what you can see, reducing the clutter by hiding the places where the view is obscured. Super hungry? Pull up City Lens, click the foody icon and see the food related […]

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Nokia City Lens for WP8 Updated; Brings SightLine Vision & Freeze View

Nokia City Lens for WP8 Updated; Brings SightLine Vision & Freeze View

| January 28, 2013 | 9 Replies

Nokia City lens just got a update on my lumia 920 (now version, I’m not sure what this update brings; but under the description it mentions: Sightline: Only shows buildings in your line of sight Freeze View: lets you pause your view and study the options Pin searches to homescreen Quick information from within […]

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TVCatchup app for WP8 brings more Live Streams

TVCatchup app for WP8 brings more Live Streams

| January 28, 2013 | 6 Replies

Well, hello there, TVCatchup app! I was rather excited to hear this app my friends love to use on their iPad is making its way to WP8 in the next couple of weeks. AAWP has the scoop as well as several screenshots. via WMPU   You can use either WiFi or 3G/Mobile data to […]

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Video: Nokia Transit/Nokia Transport for Nokia WP8

Video: Nokia Transit/Nokia Transport for Nokia WP8

| January 28, 2013 | Reply

  Here’s a demo of the Nokia Transit/Nokia Transport app, which can be found in your Nokia Collections section in the store. oneconnection says this is a must have app for any commuter. Nokia Transit combines your local public transport options – bus, train, underground – in one simple app. One tap shows you all the different […]

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