
Category: Microsoft

Lumia Denim Update Revealed

Lumia Denim Update Revealed

| September 4, 2014 | 10 Replies

Advertisements Today at IFA in Berlin, Germany, Microsoft has taken to the stage to announce the newest addition to the software portfolio, Lumia Denim. Lumia Denim, just like Amber, Black and Cyan, brings the benefits of Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1, along with some added extras. Lumia Denim brings with it a “Hey Cortana” hot-word […]

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Weekend Watch: Nokia Lumia 635 – Value for your money!

Weekend Watch: Nokia Lumia 635 – Value for your money!

| August 30, 2014 | 4 Replies

Dear MNB readers, In this episode of Weekend Watch, we cover the value that is to be gained in purchasing a Nokia Lumia 635 either for yourself or someone else as a gift. I consider value to be the sum of a lot of things and it varies from buyer to buyer, user to user […]

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Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 Dev Preview Begins Rolling Out

Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 Dev Preview Begins Rolling Out

| August 4, 2014 | 32 Replies

If you’re on the Windows Phone 8.1 Dev Preview, I’ve got some good news. The 8.1 Update 1 has started rolling out. This brings some enhancements to the start screen, adding folders, and expands Cortana availability to the UK, as well as Australia, India and China (though in an Alpha capacity). We’ve gotten the update […]

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MixRadio, Display and Network+ updated

MixRadio, Display and Network+ updated

| July 24, 2014 | 3 Replies

Dear MNB Readers! Microsoft Mobile has published updates for MixRadio, Display and Network+. Unfortunately, Microsoft Mobile isn’t consistent with including change logs with their updates and the change logs that are there are often from older updates so we are left to guessing what has been updated in the newest releases.     Windows Phone Store Download links: MixRadio […]

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OpEd: Why MS Layoffs Are Not A Surprise & Elop Not To Blame For Nokia’s Demise

OpEd: Why MS Layoffs Are Not A Surprise & Elop Not To Blame For Nokia’s Demise

| July 17, 2014 | 275 Replies

Earlier, we got news of a dramatic shift at Microsoft that potentially will see 18,000 employees displaced and forced to find other opportunities. Most of these will be related to the acquisition of Nokia’s Devices and Services business. We’ve also gotten word of Nokia’s Asha and X devices being ceased, as well as MixRadio now […]

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Nokia announces Q1 results

Nokia announces Q1 results

| April 29, 2014 | 107 Replies

Nokia may have just gotten rid of it’s mobile phone division, but that doesn’t mean the company we love is going to disappear. Today Nokia announced it’s Q1 results and although it’s phone sales are slightly disappointing, there are positives to be taken out of it. Overall device revenue dropped 30% year on year, from €2.77 billion ($3.84 […]

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Nokia Phone Division to be Renamed to “Microsoft Mobile Oy”

Nokia Phone Division to be Renamed to “Microsoft Mobile Oy”

| April 20, 2014 | 70 Replies

As Microsoft is set to take over Nokia’s phone division in a weeks time, an email has circulated from Microsoft detailing some of their intentions for the phone’s division. The email was sent to part suppliers (screens chips plastics…) detailing them on the impending changes while reassuring them that they’d like to stay in business […]

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#WPDev: Windows Phone Testing & Error Management Pluralsight Course Goes Live

#WPDev: Windows Phone Testing & Error Management Pluralsight Course Goes Live

| December 13, 2013 | Reply

A few weeks ago we told you about a pluralsight course by our friend Lars, that helped Windows Phone developers to create some great apps. He has just published his second course, that discusses Windows Phone Testing & Error Management. The course goes into creating test libraries, test data, performance stress testing etc, as well […]

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File Manager coming to Windows Phone

File Manager coming to Windows Phone

| December 2, 2013 | 41 Replies

There is a feedback site for Windows Phone on User Voice, that allows anyone to make suggestions about Windows Phone features, as well as feedback on existing features. Having subscribed to a few feature requests myself, I get emails when the status of them change. Moment ago, I got a nice surprise. The request for […]

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