
Search Results for 'Phone Number '

Nokia Lumia 800 – Highest pre-order numbers ever for a Nokia Phone on Orange? (or is it?) updated: Lumia to be a hit says Nokia

Nokia Lumia 800 – Highest pre-order numbers ever for a Nokia Phone on Orange? (or is it?) updated: Lumia to be a hit says Nokia

| November 16, 2011 | 53 Replies

Advertisements   Nokia Conversations published a story saying that according to Orange UK, The Nokia 800 was the highest ever pre-ordered Nokia phone. Sounds good. In keeping with the results heard in ThePhoneHouse, France (ThePhoneHouse btw, the largest mobile retailer in Europe). We should note that this is all relative. Some gritty numbers is what we’d […]

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Windows Phone to push past RIM as number 3 in mobile-dev interest

Windows Phone to push past RIM as number 3 in mobile-dev interest

| November 15, 2011 | 81 Replies

According to IDC and Appcelerator who surveyed over 2000 Appcelerator Titanium developers on current mobile efforts and future plans, Windows Phone is now a clear option behind iOS and Android, ahead of RIM’s BlackBerry. in the report, apparently 38% are very interested in the WP partnership, with 28% very interested in developing specifically for […]

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Windows Phone to take 25% of Asian corporate sector, ahead of iOS/Android. Number 1 WP sales by 2012.

Windows Phone to take 25% of Asian corporate sector, ahead of iOS/Android. Number 1 WP sales by 2012.

| November 3, 2011 | 30 Replies

Ovum’s recently published report speculates that in the next 5 years, Windows Phone will take 1/4 of all ENTERPRISE shipments in Asia, ahead of iOS and Android. By 2016, the numbers suggest a deadlock between WP and RIM. Something labelled as “Other” – most likely collection of multiple mobile OSes, ranks the highest. Symbian will […]

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Gartner says Nokia still number 1 in Smartphones for Q2 2011?

Gartner says Nokia still number 1 in Smartphones for Q2 2011?

| August 11, 2011 | 29 Replies

This morning, we got tipped (by ‘hmm) of an article on NASDAQ claiming Nokia were still the number 1 smartphone manufacturer in Q2. I only skimmed over the article, but didn’t think too much of it because they had put Nokia’s overall sales for Q2 as entirely smartphone based. That article – at least the […]

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Nokia to be dethroned as number 1 smartphone manufacturer?

Nokia to be dethroned as number 1 smartphone manufacturer?

| June 13, 2011 | 50 Replies

In December, Electronics Giant, Samsung was said to have been trying to oust Nokia from their top spot as number 1 manufacturer of phones world wide. The time frame for this? 3 years. Note, that Nokia has been number 1 since 1998 (12 years), toppling then Supreme Motorola (which would have all but disappeared were […]

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Mobile Phone 2009 Sales/Market Share Charts. Nokia looking at 13th consecutive year at number one.

Mobile Phone 2009 Sales/Market Share Charts. Nokia looking at 13th consecutive year at number one.

| April 1, 2010 | 2 Replies

Some interesting numbers to take a look at from Communities Dominate Brands. Nokia continues to dominate the leaderboards, selling the most phones, selling the most smartphones and having the most popular smartphone OS. Nokia have been number one since 1998. Quite an achievement to still be number one 12 years later.  In 1999, Nokia were […]

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UK phone charts: Nokia Number 1, Samsung at 2, SE at 3, Blackberry at 4 and LG at 5.

UK phone charts: Nokia Number 1, Samsung at 2, SE at 3, Blackberry at 4 and LG at 5.

| March 24, 2010 | Reply

Nokia are undoubtedly the number one phone manufacturer in terms of Global Sales. But late Q4 2009, Samsung proudly wore that crown. Well, it was a brief turn for Samsung as Nokia quickly reclaimed number one spot again. But will they hold onto to it? Well actually, Nokia have as they took the top spot […]

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Nokia 5800 is the Number 1 Pay Monthly phone from Carphone Warehouse

Nokia 5800 is the Number 1 Pay Monthly phone from Carphone Warehouse

| June 24, 2009 | 6 Replies

The Carphone Warehouse (a.k.a. The Phone House) is “Europe’s largest independent mobile phone retailer, with over 1700 stores”, so it is somewhat, a little bit of an achievement for the 5800 to be the number 1 pay monthly handset, leaving Apple’s iPhone in 2nd and Samsung’s Tocco Ultra in 3rd. From the blurb: “Introducing the […]

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New Nokia 3310 an astonishing hit at Carphone Warehouse

New Nokia 3310 an astonishing hit at Carphone Warehouse

| March 8, 2017 | 3 Replies

Surrounding hype might be turning into pleasing sales numbers for the revived Nokia 3310. Carphone Warehouse and the surrounding blogosphere reports of ‘astonishing demand’. It’s a great way to relaunch the Nokia brand towards consumers. I’d agree that Nokia and HMD can’t rely purely on Nostalgia to sell their phones but they should definitely take […]

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