Nokia Original Accessories Bumper Unboxing from WOM! BH-505, MD-9, Wigs and Sprinkle snow!
ZOMG. I feel really bad. These couple of weeks are really important for me exam wise and I shouldn’t even be blogging. ha :p
Let’s call this a sneak peak…I’ll find the time to cover it a bit more.
Today, I have just received a couple of packages today from DHL guy.
Both from WOMWorld. One was the Ovi Bag (that I was informed yesterday was being sent over! Thanks Lyd!) and the other was a rather suspicious box.
Thanks Nokia/WOM!
In the white box was:
- Two wigs
- Nokia MD-9 speakers (looks like air freshener. Takes AAA which I haven’t got so I can’t test it)
- Nokia stereo headset (one that comes with X6? I forget the model number)
- Nokia BH-505 (ZOMG…I just tried them. They’re amazing! They’re so snug and they won’t fall off my head no matter how much I shake it! Great for running! They’re really, really comfy and could say one of Nokia’s best headsets ever….I’ll see how long battery lasts…)
- Sprinkle Snow
- An apron
- An arm band
- A3 jotter pad
- Plastic flowers
- The lid has a barcode which sent me to … might be a barcode reader problem.
I’m sorry I haven’t gone and done a proper unboxing and taken decent photos but I’m absolutely pressed for time.Sooo much stuff I still need to revise :'(
I have done a quick video and taken some snaps though to share with you guys. [YouTube failed the upload twice so I’ll update YouTube decides to let that upload]
What’s it all about? Well the Ovi Bag was a Barcelona gift, and the Box I think is connected with the Nokia WOM event going on next week (14th May) where it’s about Nokia Original Accessories. Remember that mynokiablog interview with Nokia’s Antti Kujala about Nokia Original Accessories?
Unfortunately due to exams, I can’t actually attend that event and I think the box might have been specifically for participants. Just been told it’s not connected with the May 14th meetup and this is completely separate.
OK. Going back to revision :(. From May 17th service will be back to normal. I just got to do well in these exams as I need to get a certain grade to do this thing in Sept. ANYWAY…that’s it for now.
UPDATE: BARCODE leads to this:
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