

MeeGo Handset Guidelines: More details and screenshots of MeeGo Phone UI

| June 30, 2010 | 27 Replies

Freshly pressed from the MeeGo site are developer guidelines. It’s a very interesting read about the Brand New MeeGo Phone UI. Cheers for heads up Andre.

  1. Introduction
  2. MeeGo Basics
  3. Designing your Application
  4. Theming
  5. Appendix

These are only some of what the document includes.

Check out multitasker. Linear N8/Pre like then N900 like grid. WIN. Also check out that 4*4 grid icons (not 3x4 like in the screenshots)


Linear view doesn’t seem to just scroll left or ride, the panels flick across. Pinch zoom for grid view (up to 3×3). Very nice as it gives the option of the more eye catching linear view and the more functional grid view. These thumbnails are live (not sure how live, like Maemo Live where  you can see videos playing, flash loading, photos rotating?)

The multitask/switcher button is on the screen at top left corner (i’d love a multitask button please, ala shortcutD n900).

To exit, click the X. I wish we had Palm Pre like swipe away.

A host of gestures:

The “new” Lock screen.

It’s new in a way that you move the lock BUTTON up into the wallpaper. That’s kinda cool and new in a way. I hope maybe you could drag the lock button anywhere (and not just linear up) otherwise it’s just a slide up with invisible track. Only when left in a certain area should the screen unlock.


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Category: Linux, MeeGo, Nokia, Nseries

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