

Freeware: Nokia Battery Monitor – with activity usage estimates! S^3 and S60V5 (+video demo on 5800)

| November 17, 2010 | 0 Comments

Right, as battery meters and monitors go – they’re often quite boring, just telling you how much you have left by a visual indicator. If you’re lucky it might give an estimate in time remaining based on current usage.


With the Nokia Battery Monitor, it really does monitor your power usage based on what exactly you’re using on the phone.

It’s available for S60 5th Edition and Symbian^3 handsets. Screenshots above were from the Nokia N8 (Which has a tremendous battery life)


There’s a review over at Nokia Conversations by Adam, with a very important end note:

Note that the accuracy of the app might …vary. Mobile phone batteries do not discharge at a predictable rate. For example, if your phone has been on standby all day, then it might believe that it’s got a full day’s use left. If you then receive two hour-long phone calls, it was probably mistaken. Accuracy improves over time, though: it calibrates itself to your typical usage pattern.

Here’s a video demo on the Nokia 5800


Nokia Conversations


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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

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