

Ovi Store Updated to 2.04.00038

| February 2, 2011 | 43 Replies

I was wondering why Ovi Store was playing up on me yesterday late afternoon. Georgios has emailed us ( that his Ovi Store had been updated to version 2.04.00038.

You’ll have to update before proceeding any further with Ovi Store so there’s no missing this update. It’s just one button click update. If you’ve been using Ovi Store since its inception, you’ll remember all those manual downloads/install clicks. Urgh.

The update is 4.57MB

The first thing you’ll notice is that the splash screen is now that sea-greeny blue that Social App got.

I am not sure what exactly is new but the whole shop seems to work OK on my shitty crappy 1-2 bar signal. I can browse through the store without noticing that hey, T-Mobile is shit where I am as the titles/thumbnails appear all very quickly.

UPDATE: Thanks to Gaz for finding this:
Ovi Store Release Summary
This release is a patch release that includes various fixes and enhancements, including:
• Full Arabic Support, installation support for Qt based aps and numerous fixes to the Store client on the Symbian^3 family of devices
• A Search fix for more relevant searches on all platforms
• A Bug fix for TMO US E72 Customers

What do consumers gain through this release?
• Customers will now have full Arabic Support for in the Ovi Store for Symbian^3 devices. With the upgrade, a user will be able to set her language to (Arabic) for a full language experience. This is significant as the language is spoken in over 25 countries, covering nearly 350 million people!
• Consumers with Symbian^3 devices will have support for the download and installation of Qt-based applications, through the use of the Qt Smart Installer. Users will now be able to access a much wider universe of content in the Ovi Store and developers will experience faster throughput to publishing. The Qt Smart Installer may require some users to download additional software to properly run the Qt-based applications.  In order to better inform Ovi Store users, we have added an additional dialog to the content item screen that is standard for all Qt-based applications; the dialog informs the user that more software may be needed and advises them to use a WLAN connection.
• Users will receive their first client upgrade since the Symbian^3 client last fall that was available for N8 sales start, which includes many small enhancements and fixes.
• Customers will see more relevant search results when searching for certain items (more detail is available in the “Release Detail” section below).
• TMO US E72 and 5230 customers will again be able to access the store from their embedded bookmarks, redressing a bug in the current client platform.

• No service outage is required; however, search will not work for 2-3 hours when the release goes live.
• Please note that due to the number of fixes, the Symbian^3 client upgrade will be the largest to date at 4MB. This update is mandatory for all affected devices.

Qt based app installation support for the Symbian^3 client platform will help us install and QA Qt apps significantly faster. We’ll see both faster throughput in the approval process, and the catalog of QT based apps in the store will increase for end users.
• On the back end, Qt related features will also be enabled, including metrics on Qt content performance.
• Enhanced Qt support is expected to affect downloads, revenue, consumer NPS and Publisher NPS as customers and publishers will see new, fresh content and premium titles in the store.Hundreds of Symbian^3 client enhancements and fixes, which are primarily expected to impact overall Consumer NPS. Two highlights include:
• Omniture analytics instrumentation for SSO, which allows for more accurate performance metrics collection and reporting for Symbian^3 devices.
• Client Platform download manager fixes.

Search fix: Currently, if descriptions for 2 or more Store items have similar metadata, the search engine will return only one result as the client is treating them as product variants rather than separate products. The release contains code that is designed to eliminate this problem.
• Applies to all platforms, countries and markets where Ovi Store is available.
• Update is back end only; users do not have to install any updates to benefit from this feature.
• Enhancement is expected to impact downloads and revenue, with a ballpark impact estimate of 5%.

TMO US E72 and 5230 customers will again be able to access the store from their embedded bookmarks. At present, users encounter a perpetual “Opening Ovi Store” page. This occurs when they attempt to open a deep-link from their shopping cart (entitled “Downloads” on the device’s menu).


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Category: Nokia, OVI

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