

Nokia N900 to get official port of MeeGo as N900 developer edition

| March 3, 2011 | 41 Replies

It was pretty unclear what would be the future of N900 and MeeGo. Up to now it was getting MeeGo through N900 Hardware Adaption team.

Now, the Nokia N900 will get some of the support it deserves from Nokia by getting an Official Port of MeeGo as the Developer Edition.

Target is to make a Developer Edition of MeeGo for the Nokia N900 device. Flashed with this edition N900 will be usable as a primary phone device for a developer/hacker person. The focus is on meeting the non-functional targets (such as performance) rather than number of features. This will hopefully encourage more people to use MeeGo on N900, and continue enhancing the functionality or build new stuff.

Developer Edition is built from MeeGo 1.2 trunk content.

Cheers for the tip, aris! In the linked blogpost at MyN900Diary, there’s also a letter from Jukka Eklund, Product Manager for the Developer Edition:

Hi there,

I am thrilled to announce a little thing we started at Nokia. Basically we want to have MeeGo running in N900 device, so that it’s really usable as your daily development device. Basic Handset UX should work, phone calls, SMS, web browsing. So we are concentrating on a few selected features and polish those to be “perfect”. It might mean that we leave out some things in MeeGo 1.2 trunk for this edition, but that is not the default intention.

We are doing this fully on the open, and I hope this is an interesting project where we all in the community work towards the same goal: have a great MeeGo edition in the N900. This work is naturally based on the great work done already by N900 adaptation team lead by Harri and Carsten.

The wiki is up here: It will populated with more information as we go, thanks for the patience.


Jukka Developer Edition product manager
IRC: jukka

So, they’re at polishing stage. I don’t know whether to be happy or to be concerned. Concerned for MeeGo’s readiness. But great news for N900. I do hope N950 isn’t just a N900 with official MeeGo.


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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Video

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