

PR1.2 Software Update available for download for Nokia N8

| March 23, 2011 | 0 Comments

Our readers are reporting that they’re able to download the preliminary PR1.2 update for their N8 we posted about a couple of days go.

This is V.014.002. Go to the software updater app to find the update. (I also have WMDRM DLA iPlayer plugin – I think one of you guys mentioned this before)

Before you do this, go to file manger>memory card>back up.

As Ron said:

Did the update. No visible changes. Wiped out all my contacts though. So backup recommended.

To which Ronald replied:

yeah i was smart enough to back up before i

Haven’t got the update? Your network might not be picking it up:

Q: Why does the Symbian device variant in country X not have the SW update yet? What is your roll-out schedule?

A: We first publish standard non-customised versions of the software. Country (SIM-free) and operator versions will be following soon. You can check if an update is available for you from Nokia Care.

PS: As this is an optional release we have some countries & operators that are not taking this version!

Q: Is the rollout of PR2 affected by this?

A: We’ve announced we will introduce significant improvements for the Symbian UI during the first half of 2011. That schedule remains unchanged.

Q: You have promised a new SW with browser and portrait QWERTY. Why are those not available in this release?

A: We hope that consumers will be very excited as we continue to enhance our smartphone experience in 2011.  We are not stopping here but there are further improvements on the way.  We anticipate the software to be available in the summer.

Mike emailed to say:

Hi! just downloaded PR 1.2 for my N8 via SW updater. New version of Ovistore and maps. Ovi store feels really smooth. Now lets hope 2.0 is just around the corner.

Keith aka @panhead93 tweeted

@JayMontano @andref1989 check updates on N8. I just got PR1.2 update.

Guest said:

I got PR1.2 now. It came quickly.

Josef.r however hasn’t found any changes:

Just installed the new v14.002 on my n8 but no any visible changes at all

xyz said:

Cool. It installed over my flashed debranded n8 firmware.

WMDRM Update as noted by Valmon:

It’s just 12kb in size.


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Category: Nokia, Symbian

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]