

Eldar: No sign Windows Phone will be popular, Nokia working on Android, Elop leaves 2011-early 2012

| May 18, 2011 | 0 Comments

Everyone’s favourite super-sleuth, Russian blogger/editor-in-chief ‘Analyst’ Mr Eldar Murtazin has spoken on his forums again:

“Nokia UK PR director show that my forecast about adopt Android OS by Nokia in 2012 is rubbish. So, let me explain Nokia plan B, which arent very well known even inside Nokia.

Nokia strategy adopt WP7 in 2011/2012
Smartphone and phone market share of Nokia is shrinking. Nokia will lose a lot in next quarters. And exec understand that

Plan A.
Sell out some part of company to Microsoft – thats not Nokia intention, but Elop. And MS will be a winner in that case. I dont going to discuss why it could happens. It takes too many time.

But both companies in a hurry. MS shareholders couldnt support deal with number 2 vendor in a world (2012 it will happens with Nokia in any case). With number 1 such deal is still possible.

So thats clear i think. Elop will resign in a end of 2011/begin of 2012

  • Nokia will sell part of company to Microsoft Under Elops orders (and mystical jedi force on the board)
  • Elop will then resign by the end of 2011/beginning of 2012 << well that’s much earlier than what he previously predicted of 2012.
  • Rush to sell Nokia whilst they’re on top and number 1, as being number 2 somehow destroys Nokia’s ability to manufacture phones.

Plan B
Nokia has another plan. If WP7 wont be popular (no any sign that it will be), so exec have to show to shareholders that they do something. It means only one thing – adopt Android. And Nokia are working on such devices using TI chipsets. Working right now for 2012
Thats it”

  • Nokia already working on Android devices for 2012

Oh Eldar also tweeted about the N9

“92.000 units of N9 which will be produced is not a thing which someone need to discuss. Niche device”

Well, I think we were already told before Eldar that N9/N950 was not the mass market successor (more a developer thing) to the N900 we had hoped it would be. I don’t really know how much of a push Nokia’s going to give N9 now with Windows Phone taking priority for Nokia and MeeGo being a “research project”. Ah, Nokia. Why.

When asked about doing a Nokia N9 review, Eldar scathingly replied:

dont see any reason to spent my time on such rubbish

Bitter? He spends soooo much of his time whining about Nokia at every opportunity. He was complaining about the N8 so much yet produced what, like FOUR reviews? This would be a fantastic opportunity for him to lay into MeeGo and Nokia. Gizmodo has already been there and done that with their non-review of N8 to show utter contempt for Nokia. Maybe he has one and it’s actually good and thus cannot be seen to like them for fear of his Samsung overlord. JK.

Or may be it’s not worth reviewing since HE HASN’T got a N9 and can’t produce the all important first review? Didn’t this guy tweet that the hardware was almost perfect? (Though if it’s the same device all these months with no hardware change…)And then tweet that this N9 (the one with the keyboard) got canned? Didn’t he also say he was waiting for a man with a Nokia N9-01 after that? Didn’t Eldar also claim to have had the N9 last year, as soon as May and would have unleashed his review around August time (2010)….was waiting to unleash his scathing remarks to affect Nokia stock? Where was that review?

Having said that, we can’t completely dismiss Eldar’s “predictions”. 1) He throws enough mud against the wall, some is bound to stick. 2) Nokia seem to be playing all the right moves from the “book of fail” since 2008 so anything ridiculous could happen. Some joked that Eldar’s actually a massive Nokia Fanboy that cares so much. ha. Maybe :p Nokia’s “management team” has done so many silly things since 2008 and has received so much strict words from their fans that have gone in one ear and out the other. Whilst some say the Nokia board would never approve of such a sale – aren’t those the same people that approved of the WP shift? It’s amazing that there’s an all mighty Nokia board that’s supposed to fend off some stupid decision making yet in fact are the cause of all that. Not talking specifically about WP, but all the choices prior that forced that upon them. Elop though claims that he is fixing this. For the long term good of Nokia though?

via @keizka


Category: Nokia

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