

N9 only MeeGo device THIS Year. Echoes of the N9 and the “Nokia stamp” coming up in future Nokia Windows products? Swipe?

| June 29, 2011 | 0 Comments



Ingrid Lunden (@ingridlunden) who writes on had some time with the Nokia N9.

N9 reactions

You can check out her very positive reaction here: Ingrid is also an iPhone user, one of many who are enjoying the prospect of Nokia’s MeeGo-Harmattan N9 (

Flash on N9

Ingrid asked twitterfolks if we had any questions – I asked about Flash support (which Nokia Conversations said no, though alternative 3rd party browsers could do it). It seems that whilst it might not ship out of the box, even the default browser might eventually get it.

“…Mark Squires, a spokesperson for Nokia, noted that it [FLASH] was likely, given the support on other Linux platforms and Nokia’s support of Flash in its Symbian devices.”

The part of the article that’s most significant for me today discusses the N9’s future.

Essences of N9 in Windows Phone products

It appears that early Nokia products with Windows Phone will be the more standard Mango affair. This is due to Nokia MS partnership being likened to “jumping on a moving bus”. Thus early products are based on that. Ingrid suggests we note the presence of navigation keys (or at least touch versions).

This bit could be big.

However, as we move forward, you will see more of that ‘Nokia stamp’ [as I called it] in those future devices. People right now can only see pieces of the puzzle, they can’t see the whole picture.” – Mark Squires

This is Nokia differentiating in Windows Phone. Ingrid feels that, “we will likely see echoes of the N9 and the “Nokia stamp” coming up in future Windows products.” Well, echoes of the N9 are definitely coming to Nokia’s Windows Phone as code Sea-Ray has the same appearance as the N9 except for an additional camera button.

The Nokia Stamp

What do you consider to be the Nokia Stamp? Hardware stuff? What software features? Will it be things such as Nokia Maps? What about the Nokia Stamp of Swipe?

The pieces of the puzzle metaphor is also important. We see only parts of what Nokia’s doing and our judgement of them is based on that. We don’t know the whole picture, despite that we think the outcome will be.  (Think M. Night Shyamalan style twists. Actually no, ignore that. That would be terrible)

Not the last MeeGo?

Another thing that’s big if we interpret it in an optimistic light. Ingrid writes that Mark emphasised that the N9 “is the only Meego device this year.” suggesting perhaps future MeeGo DEVICES.

Source: via @IngridLunden


Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Nseries, Windows Phone

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