

Countdown at Nokia’s facebook page – try something new in 48 hours – Trio of new Symbian handsets? (Update – yes it’s Belle!)

| August 22, 2011 | 0 Comments

Remember the rumours about the Trio of new Symbian handsets to be announced in Hong Kong this week? Well the Nokia facebook fanpage has a countdown for 48 hours time (August 24) when we might just see some new handsets.


Awaiting should be the Nokia 600, 700 and 701, suspected to be the upcoming Symbian Belle handsets (either with or an update soon to Belle). There’s definitely Symbian connections as it’s a Symbian event.

Cheers for the tip, Mika and KobusNell

Oh Huanji points out the link to the countdown, notice the name says belle! haha.

LLAADD: UPDATE: if you click on link directly, it will just start a countdown from 28h,46min,40seconds as part of the countdown code is on facebook, so just check it out the countdown on the facebook page for the actual time left!

It also looks like they realised they gave it all away by the name of the countdown file and have now renamed it to:

Nice try Nokia, but too late, now everyone knows it’s Symbian Belle!


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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