

Rumours: Possible Nokia Windows Phone Specs? #Wishfulthinking #Hydra #Nokia #900

| August 22, 2011 | 0 Comments


Daily Mobile forum has an image of supposedly from a ‘reliable source’. This is the person’s first post on the forum and looks more like something that belongs in our dream-nokia sessions rather than actual upcoming devices.

The specifications aren’t actually anything extra-ordinary, what is expected from 2011 actually, but would be a surprise if Nokia brought something that matches the competition on this aspect (at least just for bragging rights, marketing etc). They do better in many other areas, but as a market leader they should be completely current on all fronts. Ignoring the fact it is designed in MS paint, let’s look at the supposed specs.

  • 4″ Gorilla Glass oleophobic screen
  • Dual Core 1.5GHz processor
  • Dedicated graphics adapter
  • 720p screen (haha, I remember falling for that one when N9 supposedly had this, though there are real phones from competition supposedly coming with 720p screen)
  • 1080p 30fps video
  • 12mpx camera
  • VGA front camera
  • Swipes gesture (oh really)
  • GPS with AGPS
  • BT3.0, WiFi, NFC
  • 4 stereophonic(?) speakers
  • 32GB + MicroSD
  • 1600mAh
  • Price 500EUR
  • Available Q1 2012
The Nokia 900 is supposedly code named Hydra. Seems to be a theme with Sea Ray as Hydra was a Sea beast.
If that’s true, then I’d want one.
Cheers Adnan for the tip!

Category: Nokia, Rumours, Windows Phone

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