

Nokia 600, Nokia 700 and Nokia 701 on market end of next month (September 2011)

| August 25, 2011 | 0 Comments


I’m not sure we got around to discussing availability for the trio of new Belle phones yesterday. As suspected, the Nokia 600, 700 and 701 will be out by Q3. These handsets are all FCC approved and were suspected to roll out in the same time line as the Nokia 500. Furthermore  Ninja once told us, as soon as September the 700 would be out by September. Perhaps the 600 and 701 too huh?

This was just confirmed again by Nokia at a live Q&A going on right now, hosted by the WOMWorldNokia folks:

Belle devices will be on the market in Q3, i.e. by the end of next month.

As for updates to current Symbian devices, we noted yesterday a Q4 release date. So October to December. Rumours suggest October.

Also check this video out. It’s a Belle Promo. From July :p via


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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