New Nokia Tune is a Dubstep Remix. Poll: Do you like it?
When Nokia launched their ringtone competition to remake the classic Nokia tune, I was very hopeful that some awesome might come out of the process. In our first check, we did hear some fantastic sounding tunes, on the criteria of:
1) working well within phone speaker limitations.
2) not being annoying.
Most recently (last week) we heard some more new Nokia tunes, N9 tunes at that, which some readers say is also in their Belle devices.
According to the brandbook blog of Nokia brand, the winning tune is a dubstep remix. You said what now?
Yeah, a dubstep remix. I like it. It’s current and would sound great in an advert. As a ringtone? No.
Take a listen: Nokia Tune – Dubstep. This is by Valerio Alessandro Sizzi, a 22 year old Sound Designer from Milan.
[polldaddy poll=5572616]
Here are the runners up. I could see the Nokia Capella one hitting it off with glee fans. Just click to download or right click “save link as”.
- Nokiorchestra •
- Progressive Nokia •
- Nokia Capella •
- Nokya In The Sky •
- Nokia New Generation •
Source: brandbook via thenextweb
Thanks AmmAR for the tip!
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