

Nokia Bubbles Experimental Beta Trial Concluded.

| October 18, 2011 | 30 Replies

When Nokia first launched the experimental Beta Labs app, Nokia Bubbles, it garnered a lot of attention. Despite the concerns, many saw this active lockscreen as innovative and you can now see it in some form in a lot of other OSes now – where from the usual nothing blank lock you can actually immediately access a bunch of new information/apps.

As cool as that is though, and as positive as the feedback has been, Nokia have decided NOT to integrate Nokia bubbles into their products:

We have now decided not to integrate Bubbles to products and are concluding the experimental beta trial here at Nokia Beta Labs.  Although mostly working as defined, Bubbles has its usability, performance and stability challenges which would require further development effort.

It could have gone quite far with more polishing. Perhaps not have them as bubbles that mix around and hunt. Are you going to miss Nokia bubbles?

Cheers Peter for the tip!


Category: Applications, Nokia

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