

O2 – UK bringing the Nokia Lumia 800 – Coming soon in December

| November 30, 2011 | 20 Replies

It’s December tomorrow! And what’s coming soon in the month of December? Well it’s the Nokia Lumia 800 on O2-UK. Despite the initial cold reaction from O2 to the Lumia 800, as suspected, they also don’t want to be missing out on all the Nokia Lumia action that Orange and Vodafone have been enjoying.

Clicking on the Nokia Lumia 800 page on O2 doesn’t bring anything up (just an error page – like the BlackBerry that won’t be appearing till January).

Some folks have been asking whether O2 would be bringing the Lumia 800 – one such comment suggested a coming soon page appearing to say availability in December – and that’s precisely what’s happened.

O2 in Germany have had some promotions going on for a while. Now it’s O2-UK’s turn.

Here’s the O2-UK page – check out the Lumia 800:


Thanks Carly for the tip!


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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