

Cyan Nokia Lumia 800 out of stock at Orange (+ a look at the Google Trends data again)

| December 28, 2011 | 12 Replies

The Cyan Lumia 800 is one of the colours later introduced after the stealthy black one. The former apparently is out of stock at Orange.

Well this does NOT indicate actual sales numbers, but in a way slightly comforting to see Orange themselves listing the Lumia 800 as being out of stock (instead of a photo at an Orange store).

There could be problems with actual supply as Nokia have mentioned pushing volumes of their Windows Phone in 2012, the aim for 2011 to be just to get them out.

So there might be a set amount of Cyan lumias that have all been sold out by Orange.

Thanks Michael Prince for the tip!

BTW, not that this is anything significant, but certain analysts pinned the doom on the Lumia 800 because trends dropped off after launch.

Google Trends: With Google Trends, you can compare the world’s interest in your favorite topics. Enter up to five topics and see how often they’ve been searched on Google over time. Google Trends also shows how frequently your topics have appeared in Google News stories, and in which geographic regions people have searched for them most.

Apologies if I’m interpreting these data too simply. I’m just looking at them as higher – higher level of interest at that point in time. Google trends does note that the data isn’t absolute search traffic numbers but scales relative to the first term so they are as google says, comparable relative to each other in terms of search interest.

Just looking at google trends data from launch between N8 and Lumia 800. It seems quite healthy to me. The N8 had a unique 12mp camera to keep boasting about (still does). The 800 is more on design and being Nokia’s first WP device. 8 months after announcement, it will be interesting to see if there will be as high volume searches as the N8.

  • The two are quite different in that the N8 had a long drawn out announcement, wait, buzz, buzz, buzz, delay, buzz and then launch, followed by some fantastic campaigns regarding the awesome, awesome camera (and video). Awesome. Did I say it enough? 🙂
  • The Lumia 800 was already shipping on the day of announcement, available within a few weeks at the 6 initial launch countries.
  • Nokia N8 is still generating more search now than the Lumia

  • Lumia or Nokia Lumia on it’s own as a brand now is ahead of Nokia N8 though not yet at its peak which N8 achieved 8 months after launch. We should look to July 2012 to see what has come about to the Lumia branding.
  • Lumia is basically Nokia, with searches for a Lumia shooting up only after Nokia’s launch.
  • Interestingly, Nseries has not been a significantly searched item. Even after 5 years of that brand huh? Let’s hope for better with Lumia.

  • With N9. A much rumoured device since 2010 when Nokia said they would stick to one letter one number (and confused us again with more numbers after than one number, e.g. c3-01, c3-02, lolol). N9 is the long awaited Nokia phone, so much had rested on its shoulders and an instant Wow from the crowd to see Nokia pulling off something great. Watch that peak at launch shoot up, whilst it did also sharply decline, interest is still organically growing.

As a single entity, more searches for Nokia N9 vs Nokia Lumia 800. N9 was completely new (and oh so mind blowing at launch). 800 was essentially ‘just’ the N9 with WP shoved in. The newness was not as exciting perhaps. Plus less characters to search :p.

But lumia on its own vs nokia n9.

Could Nokia’s Lumias just be referred to collectively as the Lumia? Many of my friends and family members call it that, without actually referring to the number designation. Nokia are planning on making several more WPs next year, let’s hope they don’t dilute and taint the brand like they did with Nseries and introducing things that never belonged there. Lumia should not really just be about WP, it should be about a high end user experience.

Oh got a little carried away, I checked out iPhone as a brand. Wow.

What about just the 4S?

Now Nokia…makes sense to try and push all branding back to Nokia?

Ovi was growing in interest though no where near where it should have been (not to mention the level the services themselves should have been at. I think the only things that went well for me was the Store and Maps. Everything else was a great idea but not executed properly).

Nokia brand still generating high level of interest, more so apparently than Apple, but less than iPhone as a whole. Phone with an i in front, who would have thunk it to have become so popular.

Should all Nokia WP be Lumia or just the higher end ones?

Woops, this post is more about the trends now :S. Sorry. Got carried away on a tangent.


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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