

How Long Lumia Phone? Video Series

| January 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

Dear MNB readers,

During CES 2012, we reported on Microsoft’s Smoked By A Windows Phone challenge (Link) where MS demonstrated WP7 Mango’s ability to perform everyday tasks quicker than most smartphones/OSes.

Well, those series of events inspired me to make a few videos of the things that I use my Lumia 710 for each day and to show how quickly I can do those using the Lumia 710. Bear in mind that I have neither the glitz, glam, lighting nor budget of CES/MS but hey….I hope the videos are clear enough to get the point across. 🙂

A little reasoning on the word “Done!” in the videos….I used to watch game shows (like Family Feud) on TV in the 80s where teams would compete and there was a buzzer/button/audible indicator to signal when a team was finished with the task…so I say “Done!”….maybe not a good idea 😉 Without further delay:

Get Directions:

GPS Lock:


Launch Xbox Live Games:

Web Page Loading:

Power Cycle Device:

All videos were recorded (N8) a few weeks ago and I hope to have time to take requests and make more videos in better lighting conditions.

Please feel free to request any tasks that you would like to see added to the How Long Lumia Phone? series.

As always, thank you for visiting and have a great day!


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Category: Applications, Nokia, Video, Windows Phone

About the Author ()

Good day everyone! My name is Demitrius Harris and I am a fan of all things true. I currently hold a position in the IT Department at a college and I teach various classes when the opportunity presents itself. In the past, I was a Special Education Teacher and a Technology Education teacher at an elementary school and have held titles in the Financial industry. What does that mean for you, our dear readers? It means that I love to write and communicate as accurately as possible! It is my hope, that I will always be able to provide factual information concerning all things related to Nokia (even when the Nokia brand isn't printed) and anything else in the scope of technology that fits within the purpose of MyNokiaBlog. I humbly thank you all for reading my posts (and the MNB Team) that sometimes contain THOUSANDS of words. You all are the best and most respectful blog supporters in the world! Thank you for choosing! Sincerely, Demitrius Harris. Favorite phone of all time: Nokia N82 - Black