Videos: Amazing magic trick #2 and #3 with the Nokia Lumia 800 at #SMWNYC!
Here are a couple more magic tricks from Nokia’s Social Media Week thing in New York. You’ve got some burning and jumping into water going on there, creating the Lumia and ‘new life’ as it were. Yeah I might be stretching it a bit to resemble that old memo ;). The second trick doesn’t really have a Lumia in it what so ever.
Videos  by nokia
I would have liked to see the trick (recently popularised by Dynamo) of pushing a phone into a glass bottle instantly (normal looking glass bottle, still intact with phone inside).
The effect is a lot more impressive I guess (a lot to do with the preparation, execution, basic moves). I suppose that’s not the style here though (no audience).
Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone
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