

Nokia Windows 8 Tablet expected in Q4 2012, Snapdragon S4 inside?

| March 12, 2012 | 88 Replies

[Lumia Tablet Concept]

DigiTimes is reporting that Nokia’s Tablet may be due Q4 2012. This 10″ tablet is reckoned to be based on Qualcomm’s Dual Core platform, which Slash Gear explains might be the 1.5GHz Snapdragon S4 Krait chipset (with integrated LTE).

The first batch is expected to ship around 200,000 units.

Q4 availability makes sense. Most likely it might appear at Nokia World (September 25-26th) so late Q3 announcement, availability early Q4?

This might appear along side the rumoured Apollo (WP8) based ‘Super Phone’.

Snapdragon S4 vs Tegra 3?

Before just going on more cores = better, Anandtech has some interesting results here:


 In the overall score the MSM8960 is around 50% faster than the Tegra 3 based tablet. Even if the MSM8960 MDP is unrealistically fast for a Krait platform, it’s likely that we’ll still see a Krait advantage.

As noted, they are just benchmarks. We’ll have to still wait and see what real life performance will be like.

Or what about ARM vs Intel?

Source: DigiTimes via Slash Gear

Thanks Muerte, Mahoney, Jim and Alex for the tip!



Category: Nokia, Tablet, Windows

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