

Mobile Hot spot, Panorama mode coming soon for Nokia Lumia (+more camera updates)?

| March 17, 2012 | 0 Comments


OK a couple of things you might have already read but they seemed to be news already. In the Q&A for the Nokia Lumia 900, Nokia mentions tethering coming as an update for the Nokia Lumia 710/800 as an update (it’s already there in.  I think this was also mentioned elsewhere so it’s good that was reiterated.

I was just thinking how annoying it is that I can’t do this on my lumia when my Omnia did mobile hotspot tethering absolutely fine. Why?It’s coming by default to 610/900. What precisely was the reason it could not be in the 800? Also, why is it that we have to wait for it to appear several updates down the line? I wish they would stop faffing around and give some specific dates as to when its coming, if at all. Perhaps also give a solid damn reason as to why they removed it in the first place. Was it to gain favour with carriers (they hate this feature or prefer to charge extra) or part of the, “hey, we’re Nokia, we like making things harder for ourselves on purpose”.

Also as seen earlier this month, Panorama is indeed coming to Nokia Lumia.

Now that is confirmed by Damian Dinning. If that holds true, then perhaps it would be joined by the other camera features.

Sources: PocketNow / WPCentral


Category: Nokia

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