

Video: Camera Extras for Nokia Lumia — More Options for Capturing Great Pictures

| June 21, 2012 | 10 Replies

Here is Nokia’s video to Michael’s earlier post today about the new Camera Extras app for Lumia.

You get that cool rewind feature that rewinds someone’s facial expression whilst keeping others intact, sweeping panorama, burst mode and self timer. Really self timer should already be there, but the WP main camera app sucks to high heaven. I hope the UI for the camera gets scrapped because it’s absolutely terrible and not in keeping with the rest of metro.

Camera Extras, we were told by someone who had used it, becomes integrated into the main app so no need to go through a separate app.

This should be appearing in June-July. Can’t wait. New homescreen, new camera extras bit.

Lol at the comments saying Nokia is copying BlackBerry. Yup, N9, BB10. I see that. And no, whilst BB may have been the ones to highlight the rewind feature, it belonged to Scalado (which means you had it on other phones BEFORE blackberry) and hey, guess who owns Scalado now? Yup, Nokia.


Category: Applications, Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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