

Bloomberg reckons new Nokia Lumia could be out as early as September too

| August 6, 2012 | 0 Comments

At the end of July, we heard some rumours that the new WP8 Nokia Lumia handsets may appear in September, ready for Nokia World. That’s merely weeks away.

TheVerge also reports on the topic due to some hints by Bloomberg that they could indeed be out as early as next month. This was mentioned by a person who was supposedly knowledgable of the matter. This plan isn’t yet public so that person wants to remain anonymous. I guess anyone leaking info would want to remain anonymous, no?

This would be ahead of the September 12 unveiling of the next greatest Jebus phone evarr.

Whether we see the new Nokia Lumia WP8s in September or not, every one is probably doubting Nokia’s ability to make it available in shops soon after, unlike of course the fruitier iThing which is probably already secretly in the shops right now brought in stealthily by CIA/Ninjas.

Source: Bloomberg

Via: TheVerge


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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