

Leaked: Nokia Lumia WP8 frame

| August 14, 2012 | 0 Comments

What you’re looking at is apparently a frame of an upcoming Nokia Lumia with Windows Phone 8. The screen measures about 10.9mm (4.3″). Check out the new Windows Phone logo. I hope there’s not a lot of additional excess borders.

What amuses me more is that people are getting excited over seeing parts of an unannounced phone :).

4.3″ is currently Nokia’s top end, but will hopefully be dwarfed by something else with a larger screen to satisfy phablet chasers. Of course, there will be others for whom 4.3″ is already too large.

WPCentral reckons the whole next to the logo is for the ambient sensor whilst WMPU thinks it’s the camera.

Source: WPCentral via WMPU


Category: Lumia, Nokia

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