

Nokia X2 Hero story makes it to Reddit.

| August 14, 2012 | 14 Replies

Look what made it on Reddit? It’s a story of Prashant’s facebook friend which he shared a couple of days ago.

You know how much Reddit loves the super strong Nokias. The indestructible Nokia meme, The hammer Nokia Lumia 900, and now this. Of all the manufacturers, because Nokias tended to be everyone’s first, there’s a warm sense of nostalgia about them. And they do seem to be getting attracted again. If I do come across threads related to phones, Nokia Lumias are mentioned, perhaps heightened awareness thanks to Siri crowning it as the best smartphone.

I’m really surprised how far this story has spread all over the blogosphere and now going outside that.

Anyway it’s on Reddit.


Hurray super Nokias 😀


Category: Nokia

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