

Weekend Watch: More Classic Iconic Nokia TV adverts

| August 18, 2012 | 1 Reply

Last week we saw some pretty awesome ancient Nokia adverts. Here are some more that have popped up, with some truly iconic devices.

The 5210, a phone with changeable fascias.

The 3210, 3310’s older brother and the first to have a non protruding antenna. I loved the design of this phone.

The 7110, one of the first phones with mobile internet and interesting navi roller.

The Nokia 8210. Still is one of the most beautiful phones ever made. I remember really wanting to own one of these. When small was the craze, you couldn’t get smaller than the 8210.

Nokia 6210 – this means business. I remember seeing these everywhere around my parents/uncles/aunts offices.

Nokia 9210 – The communicator. The first smartphone? The first colour screen Nokia. The first all in one. Phone, computer, internet, email.



Category: Nokia

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