

Another brother to the Nokia Lumia 920 with PureMotion HD?

| September 7, 2012 | 0 Comments

Above is the Nokia Lumia 920. Notice how long it is and how for some reason, there’s a fat massive bezel at the bottom. Incredible given that this is the larger 4.5″ device. There must be just lots of stuff crammed at the bottom (inside the device).

This is likely just a CGI/Render fault/just for illustration purposes, but there’s a small chance this is another device with PureMotion HD. This was in the Promo for PureMotion.


Quite nicely, the bezel at the bottom is much smaller. This means either the screen could be bigger or the phone is not so tall.

I do wish that the bezel at the sizes is slimmer but there must be constraints regarding that deliciously beautiful curved glass.

Edit: Michael: Just want to add, look at the placement of the Nokia logo and the top of the device. Logo is centralised, with the earpiece being separate from the screen, much like the Lumia 800.

Cheers x3nom0rph for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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