

Video: Quick Comparison, Nokia Lumia 920 vs Nokia Lumia 900

| September 16, 2012 | 0 Comments


Here’s a quick look at the Nokia Lumia 900 against the newer, sleeker, more innovative Nokia Lumia 920.

In the video we are told you can already tell how much sharper and clearer the 920 display is. It’s also really interesting to see the improvements Nokia has done regarding sunlight readability. Check out how the reflections are heavily minimised with the 920 – and the 900 was already crowned for having the best display outdoors.

The small things, like being able to use your finger nail is great (as well as a glove). Apparently it is a very comfortable feel in the hand.

It may be the Camera, the theme colour schemes or because the screen is AMOLED, but  the 900 looks more vivid? In the previous post, V3 noted that the screen on the 920 is superior to the OneX (which some also regard as being better than the SGSIII – also AMOLED).


Via ST


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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