

Nokia Lumia 920 trumps new iPhone 5 in low light photos too

| September 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

With that dot in the middle of the lanky looking white phone, we see that the Nokia Lumia 920 trumps even the new Apple iPhone 5.

On Friday, we heard how Apple have learnt from Nokia that oversampling can produce better low light images. Now theirs is no where near that of the Nokia 808 PureView but tests have shown that low light is improved over previous generation of iPhone. The oversampling isn’t exactly the same as explained by a few people in the original thread. How do we know it’s activated? Apparently it automatically triggers in low light (something I thought 808 would do).

Anyway: now, in the most extreme low light tests, iPhone loses again to a Nokia, but this time a Nokia Lumia (PureView 2).

The image was RT’d by Damian Dinning, original tweet by Kristina Björknäs, a physicist at Nokia.

Here’s another quick image from photokina posted at NokConv.

  • Floating lens
  • BSI
  • f/2.0

With the Nokia Lumia 920 we solve the problem of photos in low light conditions with a rear illuminated sensor, a f/2.0 aperture, optical image stabilization and the latest version of our imaging software.

All these elements combine to capture at least five times more light than other smartphones in similar conditions. In particular, the algorithms we are using in the Nokia Lumia 920 are enhancing brightness, colours, sharpness and clarity in the same way they do on the Nokia 808 PureView.

This is not only relevant in low light conditions; photos that are taken indoors are also sharper. In daylight the Nokia Lumia 920 can take better pictures of fast moving objects, removing blur and imprecisions caused by handshaking. Last but not least, video capabilities are also dramatically improved.

Although the Nokia Lumia 920 performs extremely well in low light conditions, you might sometimes want to use flash to create special effects. To our knowledge, the built in flash on the Nokia Lumia 920 is the brightest LED flash in the market, which also delivers better colours and a shorter flash pulse for best results.

Source: @bjorknas

Via: @PhoneDaz

Cheers James for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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