

Video: Super Sensitive and snappy Nokia Lumia 920 screen/responsive test #fork&gloves

| September 27, 2012 | 24 Replies

In this video, you can see that the Nokia Lumia 920’s screen is super responsive to non-finger input too. These aren’t special capacitive instruments, these are any everyday objects. This time a fork is used.

A glove follows the fork in testing out the super sensitivity of this screen – previously a task that only resistive screens could handle. (At the time, pretty much all resistive screens lacked the featherlight touch of capacitive, and also did not do multitouch – though that is not a limitation of resistive). Here the glove works completely fine whilst swiping gently. Now this isn’t because the glove is thin – we’ve seen demoes before with thick mittens.

Other than that, the phone itself is looking pretty snappy. The more you get used to something without lag, the more you tend to notice it in systems that have it. Now I’m being picky – these are literally millisecond differences, but for me, they affect my user experience.




Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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