

iPhone 5 still can’t touch Nokia 808 PureView (Low light comparison)

| October 8, 2012 | 0 Comments

The iPhone 5 is heralded by its biggest fans as having a much better camera than the predecessor, with evangelists claiming you can now take low light pictures that you could not before on an iPhone 4S.

It uses something that attempts to be like oversampling by combining pixels (though not precisely like the 808, and it can’t since the sensor and pixel starting point is not the same). Whilst it is known that the low light optimised Nokia Lumia 920 slaughters iPhone 5, the Nokia 808 PureView gives the iPhone 5 a good kicking too.

After the comparison pics on the weekend that oddly showed the older 4S in a more favourable light, Vlado shares these pictures that correlates more with what the rest of the blogosphere has shown us.

We really don’t need to label the photos. The worse one is the iPhone.




Cheers Vlado for the pics!


Category: Nokia, Symbian

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