

Nokia launches portable solar charger in Kenya

| October 10, 2012 | 23 Replies


Nokia have apparently launched the DC-40 solar charger in Kenya. This is aimed at a surprising 80% of Kenyas that are said to lack regular access to electricity. At 1250 Sh, that’s only around 14USD or 9GBP.

When under direct sunlight, the Nokia DC-40 will take only 4 hours to charge a 1000mAh battery.

General manager for Nokia, East Africa says:

There are numerous advantages to this solution, including being able to service consumers outside of regular electricity supply, or those who need a quick charge on the go…

However, perhaps the greatest benefit is the cost saving achieved by being able to harness the natural resource of the sun…

Nokia prides itself on its ongoing sustainability programs to minimize power usage. This solar charger provides an extremely environmentally friendly solution that is free of CO2 emissions.

Soure: capitalfm

Cheers Viipottaja for the tip!


Category: Accessories, Nokia

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